
Original price was: R23,067.00.Current price is: R20,760.00.

Course Fees



1 Year





Higher Certificate in Paralegal Studies

Higher Certificate

SAQA ID 91797


Credits 120

This programme is designed to allow students to be employed by Lawyers, Law and Auditing Firms, Banks and other Financial Organisations, and the private sector as Legal assistants or paralegals. Many opportunities also exist in the private (government) sector. Successful students will become qualified and competent assistants to ensure that the primary legal services are more accessible and affordable to the public.

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Original price was: R23,067.00.Current price is: R20,760.00.

Course Fees



1 Year




Payment options available to you


This programme is designed to allow students to be employed by Lawyers, Law and Auditing Firms, Banks and other Financial Organisations, as well as in the private sector as Legal assistants or paralegals. Many opportunities also exist in the private (government) sector. Successful students will become qualified and competent assistants able to ensure that the primary legal services are more accessible and affordable to the public. Upon completion, the learner will be able to:

  • Conduct legal research on behalf of a legal or paralegal practitioner.
  • Communicate with internal and external clients in a legal or paralegal workplace.
  • Guide and refer clients in a paralegal context.
  • Assist in solving problems in a paralegal context.
  • Provide administration and organisational support in an office environment.
  • Display ethical values and professional conduct when dealing with internal and external clients.

Registration Process

Registration performs an eligibility evaluation and collection of all required details and documents of proof. Once a candidate has been successfully vetted payment takes place followed by enrolment.

Entry Requirements

The minimum entry requirement is the National Senior Certificate OR equivalent. For full details on admission requirements contact Lyceum Online.


Assessments consist of one assignment (formative assessment) and a final examination (summative assessment) for each subject. If you fail to submit the compulsory assignment in time you can request permission to submit a penalty assignment at a penalty fee. If you did not submit an assignment you cannot register for examinations.
Make sure you submit the compulsory assignment within the prescribed time because it does not cost you anything.

Your final mark for each subject will be calculated as follows: –

  • Assignment contributes 60% towards the final mark.
  • Examination contributes 40% towards the final mark.

A student who submitted an assignment for a specific subject, and fails that subject, does not have to re-submit a further assignment prior to writing the “supplementary” examination. The assignment mark is automatically carried over. However, if the assignment mark is low, and the student wishes to re-do the assignment, he/ she may apply to the examinations section for a copy of the new assignment (at the prescribed fee) and may then re-submit the assignment on or before the new due date.


  • You have two examination opportunities within your contract period.
  • No examination fees are applicable for the first time you write any subject within your contract period.
  • Examination fees are payable if you write any subject for the second time, i.e., if you have failed your first attempt within the contract period.
  • Students who enrol for any study year have two examination opportunities. Students can select to write any number of subjects during the first or second examination opportunity. If you elect to write the exam during the first opportunity and fail, you may re-write (as a supplementary) at the second opportunity upon payment of the prescribed supplementary examination fee. If you elect to write the examination at the second opportunity but fail, you may write the examination during the first chance of the next cycle ONLY, upon payment of the supplementary examination fee. If you again fail, having exhausted the above opportunities, you MUST re-register for the subject before a further examination may be attempted.


Upon successful completion of your programme, you will receive a certificate depicting: – Higher Certificate in Paralegal Studies and an academic transcript. These documents will be issued at the annual graduation ceremony, couriered to the nearest branch, or posted to you, provided that your account is in order. It is the learner’s responsibility to ensure they meet all the programme requirements before a qualification can be issued.

Module Outline

  • MODULE 1
    Academic and Digital Literacies 
  • MODULE 2
    Office Management for Legal Practices (WIL) 
  • MODULE 3
    Criminal Procedure 
  • MODULE 4
    Introduction to Accounting for Legal Practice
  • MODULE 5
    Civil Litigation Processes 
  • MODULE 6
    Introduction to South African Law
  • MODULE 7 (Select one from the choice of electives)
    Wills and Estate Management
    Debt Recovery Process 


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